Masindi DHO Murder: Widow Reveals Why She Hired Killers To Kill Him.

The wife to late Dr Abiriga Jino the former Masindi DHO District Health officer, Betty Cherotic has revealed shocking secrets why she murdered her husband in a cold blood, this site has learnt.

In a secret interview with senior Police detectives from homicide department, she says, her husband had increased the rate of cheating which she could no longer tolerate. According to information, the pair got married in 2019 and were blessed with a baby. She adds that she first gave birth and a baby died at an early stage.

She even narrated that she got another twin pregnancy which also got out.She added that late 2023 she got information that Dr Abiriga got another woman called Atukura Susan from Masindi.

"When he got another woman, he (Masindi DHO) stopped extending help to me and the young baby,” Cherotic revealed to police detectives.

Detectives say, she now started the plan to murder Susan. “This woman went and set fire to the house of Susan but unfortunately it was put off before causing damages,” Says a senior detective who is part of investigations.

She says her husband kept accusing her of being sexually weak and other sorts of insults. The woman later hired Martin to kill the co-wife Susan at the cost of shs 2.5m and first deposited 500k.

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