NIRA to do mass enrollment registration this year

     Osborne Mushabe - PRO NIRA 

The National Identification and Registration Authority(NIRA) have announced that they will be carrying out a mass enrollment and a mass renewal exercise throughout the entire country from the lower to national level. 

Addressing journalists earlier today at the weekly security presser in Naguru, the manager of public relations and co-operate affairs at NIRA Osborne Mushabe said the move intends to address the problem of the national ids that are yet to expire.

“We shall be registering all of you at parish level, sub-county levels. For those that have never registered and even those that have Ids that are about to expire we shall be able to renew for you.” Said Mushabe

Mushabe says, since most of the citizens registered for the National Ids back in 2014 which is equivalent to 10 years, it’s now the right time to renew their identity cards before they run out of service.

He adds that the process will involve a number of stakeholders including the ministry of finance planning and economic development, the parliament of Uganda, Ministry of internal affairs among others stakeholders before the official date for the exercise is announced.

It should be noted that section 56 of the registration of persons Act, gives the mandate and powers to the Minister of internal affairs, Gen. Kahinda Otafire to announce the registration period.

“When all is set we shall be able to notify you of the date for the launch of the mass enrollment and mass renewal registration exercise but of now we haven’t yet set the date but very soon we shall be able to reach out to you as long as we are able to finalise all that is required in time.” Said Osborne

He however called upon citizens to keep registering especially those that have lost their national identity cards including the parents that haven’t yet registered their children for the NIN numbers. 

“We register all Ugandans even those that are one day old we do register them and we only issue them NINS, Ids are only given to citizens who are above the age of 16, so use this time to do all that as you wait for the mass enrollment and mass renewal exercise.” He further said

Story by: Derrick kanalo 

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