Police places a 20million reward for information about Bugingo’s attackers.

   Fred Enanga - police spokesperson 

The Uganda police force have put a 20million Ugandan shillings reward for information about the alleged murderers of city pastor Aloysius Bugingo’s body guard Richard Muhumuza, which happened last week on Tuesday night. This has been confirmed by the police spokesperson Fred Enanga during their weekly security presser in Naguru.

“We are informing the public that there is a substantial cash reward of UGX. 20 millions which awaits any member of the public who can avail us credible information that can lead to arrest of the suspects and recovery of the killer weapon.” Said the police spokesperson 

Enanga also disclosed that preliminary investigations so far indicates that, the murder weapon used in Bugingo’s shooting is the same weapon that was used to murder the social media blogger Aliases isma Olaxes.

“We will be interested in the killer weapon since we already have information that links it with the murder of the late Isma Olaxes whom we all continue to mourn. There are very similar patterns in the murders of the body guard and the murders of Olaxes” Enanga said

He also expressed concerns over the speculations regarding the shooting which is circulating all over the different social media platforms which he claims could hurt the family members.

“What we’ve noticed is that the internet, social media and propagandists are all awash with all sorts of versions which are quite absurd. So many people including families who lost their loved ones under similar tragic circumstances are hurt by these statements by bloggers the majority of whom are based in the United Arab Emirates.” He stated 

Enanga says their investigators have already retrieved all the relevant reports from the postmortem and also obtaining of the information from the police CCTV cameras including that from the privately owned CCTV cameras within the vicinity.

“We appeal to whoever has any information that could lead to the identity and arrest of the suspects as well as successful recovery of the killer weapon to pass over that information in confidence to the special investigations division CID headquarters in Kibuli or contact the team on telephone number 074111333. This number is strictly for this investigations.” Enanga said

According to Enanga the investigation has now been handed over to the special investigations division in Kibuli which will be handling all matters relating to the murder incident.

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