Read Here:- Government spending huge amounts of money Feeding & Accommodating Musicians in push Hotels.

The Minister of gender yesterday explained to the committee of parliament on gender how artists started residing in Serene Hotel Mutundwe.

According to the minister of Genda, Hon. Betty Amongi,  artists ran to the government and said they could not afford to record a song, look after their managers, and asked government to intervene.

"The leadership of Uganda Musician federation, headed by Edirisa Mussuza, aka Eddy Kenzo through UNCC approached and told us how they were not able to afford basics and hence which saw government get them to Serene Hotel in Mutundwe where they reside on credit"- Minister Amongi.

MP's we're shocked on noticing that Government is in debt to pay for the food and accommodation of over 200 artists who eat and sleep at that hotel.

Whoever, MPs were also  surprised how come Uganda's top artists claiming to be rich are the ones being fed by the government.

The Chairperson committee of gender said it's unfortunate that this is only for artists in Kampala yet others are crumbling. 

For a year government may need more than 6 billions to pay off all the expenditures at the push Hotel in Mutundwe.

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