27 Senior Police officers graduate at Makerere University.

A total  of 27 Senior  Police officers have today 02.02.2024, been  conferred  Masters degree in Peace and Conflict Studies of  Makerere University during the 74th Graduation Ceremony.  

The officers include;

1. CP Owomugisha Hermen

2.CP Kibwika Sarah the Police Commadant of the Professional Standards Unit. 

3. CP Ogwal Amai Peter Francis the head of Man Power Audit and Verification in the Uganda Police Force 

4. ACP Mugumya Henry from CID Headquarters 

5. ACP  Ganyana Zurah (Ms) from Protocal 

6. ACP Kayima Emilian the head of Information and Publication. 

7. ACP Kituuma Rusoke Moses the Regional Police Commander Rwizi (Mbarara)

8.ACP  Nuwagaba Emmanuel from the Directorate of Research and Planning 

9. ACP Nayabongo Edgar the Head of Political Education under the Directorate of Chief Political Commissariat. 

10.ACP Odong Merk Paulo the Deputy Director CID

11. ACP Olugu Francis the head of Police protection unit at NFA. 

12 ACP Suwed Asuman from PSU

13. ACP Walugambe Robert the deputy

14.ACP Wanyama Dennis Wasike from HRD

15. SSP Asiimwe Justus from FFU  

16. SSP Bwire Moses DPC Adjuman 

17. SSP Chiriga Taban

18. SSP Epedu David from ICT Police Headquarters.  

19. SSP Kakaire Adam Mulondo

20. SSP Kapere  Rodgers 

21. SSP Mugerwa Benard

22.SSP Muhumuza Alex from FFU

23. SSP Mukasa Philip Simon, the DPC Kazo District. 

24. SSP Mwiine Mukono Alex from HRD 

25. SSP Odongo Samuel, from CPC 

26. SSP Ninsiima  Godfrey the DPC Kyegegwa and  SSP @Patrickonyango1 the Kampala Metropolitan Police Spokesperson.

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