"Go To less Active Committees"-Speaker Among orders re-designation of MPs over induction training snub.

Recently, 90 MPs who sit on the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises were invited for an induction training at Serena Kigo.

PARLIAMENT | The Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, has ordered for the re-designation of MPs who snubbed the recently concluded induction training for members on Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (COSASE).

Recently, 90 MPs who sit on the two committees were invited for an induction training at Serena Kigo.

However, during Tuesday’s plenary sitting, the Speaker revealed that only half of the invited MPs made it to the workshop.

Among said that the MPs failure to attend the training caused a nugatory expenditure to the Parliament’s expenditure, thus they should be kicked out of the accountability committees.

The Speaker added that the MPs failed to execute their legislative mandate, thus they should pave way for members interested in fulfilling their mandates.

“If we can’t be accountable to ourselves, then why do we want to have other institutions accountable," she said.

"Whatever we made at Parliament is a nugatory [of no value] expenditure which isn’t called for, because of wasteful expenditure are making us go through and I am going to ask the whips to re-designate the MPs who and the staff of Parliament are making us go through and since you don’t like being in accountability committees,” Among added.

Among noted that she is going ask the party whips to re-designate new MPs on the committees.

“When we send you for an induction you don’t go, and when you are interacting with witnesses you may not know what to ask the witness, our performance is determined by what we do at Committee and in the House and whereas Parliament wants other institutions to do accountability, as Parliament, we should lead by example.”

Write up by:Nile Post

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