Inside The Fabrication: Debunking The Alleged Shs500m Payment To Speaker Among.

In an era where truth often becomes obscured by deceit, we’re confronted with a disturbing trend of individuals cloaked in anonymity, disseminating unfounded falsehoods to fuel personal vendettas, as evidenced by the fabricated narrative surrounding a supposed Shs500m payout to Parliament Speaker Anita Among for vacation per diem.

Beyond the debunked dossier purporting to outline payment specifics, the architects of this misinformation—known for their relentless targeting of Speaker Among with vitriol and slander—failed to substantiate any allegations against her.

To grasp the gravity of the situation, it’s imperative to provide context.


Despite relentless vilification, Speaker Among emerged triumphant in steering the 2024 CSPOC, defying doomsday prophesies', and weathering relentless attacks stemming from her advocacy of the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023.

Now, returning to the fallacious assertions, it’s crucial to note that Speaker Among holds the record as one of the least traveled presiding officers in parliamentary history. Since assuming office, her official international engagements have scarcely exceeded five occasions.

Her most recent international duty dates back to August 2023, when she met with the Pope in Rome. Subsequently, she hasn’t ventured abroad. Even during her tenure as Deputy Speaker, Among’s only leave was for maternity reasons, with her childbirth transpiring domestically.

Her brief hiatus was curtailed to ensure seamless preparation for the CSPOC, during which she remained stationed at the Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort, overseeing conference arrangements

This prompts a perplexing paradox: how can the least traveled presiding officer face accusations of profligate travel expenditures?

While the 10th Parliament weathered public backlash over excessive foreign excursions, the 11th Parliament, under Among’s stewardship, demonstrated marked restraint, with the Speaker herself prioritizing travel solely when indispensable.

Nevertheless, detractors sought to besmirch her reputation, concocting baseless claims of a Shs500m payout.

Contrary to these fabrications, reliable sources within Parliament cite MPs’ per diem at $720 monthly, with the Speaker’s set at $990. The exaggeration to $4000 by these deceivers underscores their relentless campaign to tarnish her image.

Even if we entertain this hypothetical increase, which isn’t the case, why single out Speaker Among for such unfounded accusations?

Anita Among, a former banker turned politician, stands as the epitome of accountability, with a dedicated team ensuring meticulous financial oversight within her office.

This calculated deception seeks to undermine the Speaker’s commendable achievements and unfairly vilify her without a shred of evidence.

In the face of such malice, the truth remains steadfast, unwavering against the onslaught of falsehoods.

By Musamali Arnold

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