MBALE: IUIU Senior Lecturer jailed for Cybercrimes


The High Court in Mbale has Remanded the Islamic University in Uganda (IUIU) Assistant lecturer for cyberbullying against the Late Kurima Benard's family in Magale Town Council, Namisindwa District.
Wakhweya Ahamada has been incarcerated for cybercrime committed against the family and is currently remanded in Maluku Prisons.

What the public needs to know: 
As of late last year, Wakhweya made malicious strange statements in several Bugisu political WhatsApp groups including but not limited to; Namisindwa  Today Whatsap group, Bugisu Intellectual, and Clock Tower WhatsApp group, he has for long claimed the children of late Kurima have connived for the murder of their father over a property in Magala town. 

Wakhweya has severally accused, Linus Nasimiyu, one of the daughters of the Late who is an Education officer for having championed the murder of their late father with her brothers as well as assaulting their mother (widow), to the extent of issuing her.

 The said "legal suit" came after 8  out of the 11 children chose to put a caveat over the Late's property after one of their own three siblings (Khisa Faustine, Kurima Anthony, and Nasimiyu Mary) had connived to take ownership of the Late's property by misleading the 85-year-old age mother to take sides. Wakhweya as the master minder of the game, led the team without any security and cut the padlocks on the commercial estates of Late Kurima Bernard in Magale Town and equally cut padlocks of the garage where the Late's vehicle was parked as the family sought ways of handling their matter. Wakhweya has done a series of attacks on Late Kurima's family as a way of showing him "might", testing and proving his social worth. 

Additionally, shortly after the send-off Late. Kurima Wakhweya together with the two sons of the late (i.e. Khisa Faustine and Kurima Anthony) championed the kidnapping of the widow as a way of creating fear and intimidating the other eight (8) children of the late. After this incident, Faustine Khisa one of the planners of the kidnap launched a case at Namisindwa CPS  against his two brothers and one sister for having championed the disappearance of the widow. Police then summoned the three siblings who were accused of leading the disappearance of their mother to produce the old lady within 24 hours. Efforts were made by the accused through local Surveillance and they successfully found the widow being kept in Namitsa sub-county formerly Bubutu sub-county. Shortly one of the accused children of the late went to the nearby police to report and get help on the matter, on return with police he found his brother Khisa Faustine in the same room with the widow who was then said to have disappeared.
After that, the widow was escorted to her home in Magale Town council where the public convened to check on the then disappeared old mother of 11. The police had to take action if arresting Khisa Faustine for the act of misin isforming police and was detained for some hours at Magale police station. 

Wakhweya Ahamada h and Kurima Anthony coached the old lady to cause drama by falsely fainting at the police station for the release of her son Faustine Khisa, it was his partners in crime Wakhweya Ahamada h and Kurima Anthony who stood surities for Faustine Khisa to get a police bond. All these scenarios have always been reported by Wakhweya in malice of the other 8 children of late. Kurima Bernard.

 Legally wakhweya has been summoned for stopping to attack the late Kurima's family but to him, all those have been invitations into this family matter. He has kept publishing allegations on individual family members that are not in agreement with his intentions. 

According to Kurima's family, they claim that their mother was being misled by intruders, most especially, Wakhweya. 

Wakhweya is an Assistant lecturer at Islamic University of Uganda, main branch in Mbale City , as well as a temporary contractual staff on one of the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC), who hail from Bunyinza Town Council Manafwa District. 
Our reporters discovered that the accused is also in another wrangle with other residents in Magale, who accused him of poking his nose into their family affairs. "To him dividing families and fighting whoever he wishes is his full time job" Said one the family members. 

Even after, late. Kurima's family was before the Equal Opportunities Commission, Ahamada h never ceased to vomit venom about this family members. To the point that he has been severally summoned to desist from talking anything regarding late. Kurima's family he have proved to be above the law and has always written his minds out on several social media platforms specifically WhatsApp groups mentioned earlier. 

However, family members have always wondered what his insurable interest could be in this matter but his intensions are still not clear up to now. He has intimidated anyone talking to him about this issue and asked whoever concerned to mediate peace in this family to step aside. Wakhweya's poses to be the most strong reasoning and he had the " I know it all" Ego that noone makes sense to him concerning this matter. He has used his influence to fight against late.

Kurima Bernard's children as way of proving how connected he is given his assumed political influence and the security connections he purports to have. 

With this he has called them thieves, murders, children of hell, and all sorts of belittling names. He boosts how untouchable he is given that he works with Ministry of Education which ministry supervises Linus one of the Late Kurima's daughters. 
Wakhweya was summoned by CPS Mbale last month, he has been on police bond till today the 28th Feb 2024 when he was arrested, and jailed. But to him all these are nothing as he can singly legally challenge them without any legal representation as he boosts of how he has dealt with most complicated issues than this minor one.

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