NRM Will Do Better On Youth's Involvement In National Building: Dr. Oledo

Our reporter in a one on one with our reporter with Dr Samuel Oledo:- 

Youth participation in Uganda’s socio-economic and political processes has been increasing, although the voices of young people have still not been effective in voicing youth priorities and influencing youth-focused government policies. 

Public policies have failed to adequately respond to the numerous challenges faced by young people in Uganda today, resulting in widespread unemployment and poverty. 

Youth representation in parliament has remained ineffective and less meaningful, even though there are five Youth MPs to fulfill this role. There is a growing gap between youth representatives in parliament and their constituents.

NRM needs a dialogue to bridge these gaps. I Oledo have a main motive of motivating the youth of Uganda to become active participants in designing a brighter future for their country. 

I want to ask the NRM to build a better system with stronger parties, built on rocks rather than on pillows, we must discourse to rebuild values and search for answers for upcoming challenges.

Some major disagreements with the way the MPs are representing their target group in parliament became visible. 

The question is whether the MPs lack contact with the youth leaders in the communities and if they honor their duty to responsibly fulfill their mandate. 

I wondered why the MPs would not actively reach out to the youth after the elections. most of these leaders are reluctant to account to their electorate because they in most cases serve only one term and thus wouldn’t need the youth vote in the subsequent election. I argue the government to amend this to compel the youth leaders to effectively be in touch with their electorate.

The government should work out a way to find solutions for the bad economic situation of many young people in Uganda and should invest more in the development of leadership in youth leagues. 

I suggest that to increase the effective representation of the youth by their MPs, political party affiliation should not be emphasized. 

I suggest that youth representatives should not belong to any political party to exercise independence and effectively push the youth agenda without being hampered by party positions.

I invite the youth to be bold and courageous on all issues of social and national interest. The youth should let their leadership be one of ideas rather than personalities and hurry up to accomplish their generation's call for a better future.

NRM as a political party is unattractive to the youth and this is because the gap between them and the leaders is wanting.

This is clearly seen, most of the NRM youths have opted to cross over to other opposition political parties expecting to be helped and NRM ends up buying them off using huge amounts of money which would have empowered them in the first place.

NRM must work on how we can remedy this.

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