READ HERE-Police Allegedly Tortures Journalist Moses Lemisa Into Coma.

Uganda Journalist Association (UJA): We are very disturbed by the unprofessional conduct of some police officers who allegedly tortured journalist Moses Lemisa working with Bukedde Paper- Vision Group at Kapapaali Mulago Police post while in line of duty on Thursday 22 February 2024, to the point of almost losing his precious life.

Lemisa was brutally arrested by two of the many Police officers that had gathered at that Police post for an eviction operation as he followed up a certain story around the same area and charged with criminal trespass on the Police post.

What makes it very disturbing to us is that the arresting officers deliberately pushed down Lemisa to the ground where his head was hit hard, leaving him with sustained bruises on it plus other body parts as well as damaging his camera, despite his identification to them.

His work tools; a camera, phone and identification card were taken away from him by the same police officers on top of picking money from the journalist’s pocket before he was thrown inside the police cells where he lost conscious and fainted almost to death.

Shuddering to note is that, no care was given to him by any of the police officers while inside until when the other already detained suspects put a strong demand that he be moved out and taken to the nearby health facility to save his dying life which was later done.

It is very unfortunate that the police officers who are charged with the duty of observing the law can be seen breaking it with impunity. 

Lemisa's health had since then worsened to the extent that he dropped to faint again in his car today as he drove to one of the health facilities in Mpererwe to seek further medical attention.

We feel that the torture that was occasioned on him is not only being illegal but also a blatant violation of his individual rights and press freedom in general. His arrest and detention now bring to a total number of two journalists that have been arrested in a period of only two weeks, with the first being Julius Tukacungurwa Mugagga of Umoja online Website who was arrested and detained at Jinja road Police Station on Wednesday 7th February 2024. We don't want to believe that the Police harbours criminals, that's why it's authority must swiftly act.

Going forward, we therefore, demand the following: -

1. IGP investigate the two errant police officers and reprimand them in one-week time from the release date of this statement.

2. Cause the errant officers apologize to Lemisa, compensate his damaged camera, foot his medical bill and return his taken money.

If no response is made in reference to the above, UJA will explore other means including mobilizing a demonstration of journalists against increased impunity on us and seeking legal redress. This will help us with ensuring that justice prevails for all our brutalized journalists.

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