DP Women's League tasks gov't ease credit access services to women.

Aisha Waliggo - President DP women league

Democratic party women’s league has called on the government to ease the financial restrictions so that women can easily access credit cash from the various banking institutions, including enjoyment of the working privileges at their work places.

According to UN Women, globally, women are less likely than men to have access to financial institutions or to have a bank account.

Aisha Waliggo who is the president of the women’s league in Democratic party disclosed that nothing will yield for women unless the financial problems are solved by the ruling government.

“when you are talking about economic empowerment of women and they do not have credit, they do not have access to credit because of lack of collateral security, that means the journey is still long way for the women to gain from this empowerment.” Said Waliggo

She added and revealed that, currently women have a challenge of access to vital resources that includes credit, training and cultural perception which under value women's work and maintains strict gender based division of Labour.

"When we look at the issues which are failing us to reach where we are supposed to be as women in this country, access to credit becomes a very big issue." She said 

She also pointed out the inability to access information by Most of the women inregards to various government initiatives intended to benefit women across the country that include uganda women entrepreneurship programs, youth livelihood programs, Parish development model among others.

“Do women have information on these programs? Practically no. Because of lack of that information the economic empowerment we are talking about highlighted in this year’s theme of women’s day, becomes a challenge.” She said

Waliggo also tasked the ruling government to put much emphasis on improving the country's health facilities across the country, which she says still lays below the recommended standards.

“as we are looking at economic empowerment, let us look at the health sector. As mothers of this country we cannot sit back and see children dying at a very early stage as well as mother’s dying while giving birth.” Waliggo said

She advised government to find ways of overcoming the high level of corruption by the officials, which she says it's the main reason as to why most of these health facilities are struggling with scarcity of medicine and other health needs. “why don’t we have medicine in the hospitals, we are seeing alot of corruption cases in this country. Can we come to sanity and address this such that the money wasted in corruption is taken into health facilities.” She said

Waliggo further said that, the government cannot achieve its main objective of empowering all women when the health facilities they are going too are in a very terrible shape.

“We are tasking the parliament again to work strictly and ensure that every subcounty should have a health facility, atleast a health centre iii. There are some subcounties with a very big population but without health centres to support the women giving births.” She revealed

Responding to the corruption being exhibited in the country’s Parliamentary building, Waliggo called for change in the constitution that gave the parliamentary commission much powers inregards to tax payer’s money.

“we want to revisit the laws governing the parliamentary Commission because they have more powers than expected and at the end of it all we end up seeing the leaders in the commission assigning themselves money the way they wish.” She stated

She additionally, revealed that once these problems are not addressed bigger challenges are yet to face the country with the increasing unemployment of the young youths out there which could cause havoc.

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