Exclusive: Details Of The Emergency Shadow Cabinet Meeting Where Ssenyonyi, Zaake, And Odur Were Trounced .

Reports have emerged on how attempts to draft a censure motion against Former leader of the opposition in Parliament Mathias Mpuuga and Speaker Anita Among suffered a still birth in the shadow cabinet after the majority of the MPs questioned the sense of judgement of the Leader of the opposition and Nakawa West Law Maker Joel Ssenyonyi.


Joel under pressure to please activists on social, called for an emergency shadow cabinet meeting on Monday at 9 am and a youthful female legislator was tasked to mobilise the members to attend what was supposed to be a meeting to seal the fate of the Speaker of the House and former LOP Mathias Mpuuga.


Scared of how some of the senior members of the opposition would react, a number of them were kept in the dark and only caught wind of the meeting after colleagues called for guidance on the matter.


Ahead of the meeting, Jonathan Odur, the Erute South law maker had drafted a censure motion against the two leaders with Mityana Municipality MP Francis Zaake jumping on the bandwagon after exiled Writer Kakwenza Rukira offered to draft for him one for free.


Zaake was cheered on by Derrick Nyeko who since swearing in as MP has only opened his mouth to eat in the Parliamentary Canteen.


When Joel who has struggled in the shadows of Mpuuga since he took over, opened the meeting he faced a barricade of questions with MPS questioning his sense of judgement.


As a member of the commission, MPS reasoned that he was entitled to all the proceedings of the parliamentary commission and therefore couldnot be lamenting and relying on unverified information flying on social media.


They put him to task to explain how he wanted them to take such a rushed measure when they cannot authoritatively verify the authenticity of the documents.


An MP who spoke on condition of anonymity questioned his understanding of the law especially considering that the public finance management act clearly stipulates that the clerk to Parliament is the accounting officer and is liable for all expenses in the House.


Odur a member of the Uganda Peoples Congress that is in bed with the ruling party was asked why he cannot  restore constitutional order in his party where the highest Court in the land threw out the party President but he continues to supritend over the independence party.

MPs accused Odur of witch hunt questioning his motive yet he is one of those collaborating with a party leader the supreme court declared was illegally in office.


How can you rush to take action based on social media noise yet as an officer of court you cannot enforce a decision of the highest court? the MP wondered.


Zaake who was shouting at the top of his voice was left speechless as MPS queried when the mission of the national unity Platform shifted from removing president Museveni to pounding the Speaker and Mpuuga.


Though SSenyonyi is the official Leader of the opposition in Parliament,Mathias Mpuuga commands respect in the opposition cycles with abipartisan belief that he is level headed and a leader who can be a uniting factor.


Frustrated,SSenyonyi who feared to put the impeachment matter to vote rushed to the press to vent his anger and make countless accusations.


The MPs are worried that Joel’s inexperience and lack of capacity may cost the party as he has demonstrated poor judgement and is simply a transmitter of what the party leader wants .

A number of the MPs chose to stay away from the meeting to avoid clashing with the LOP

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