Exclusive:Who is fighting who in Mbale District Politics?

War is escalating among the Mbale District members of Parliament.

What you need to know.

Mbale District has 4 constituencies which include:- Mbale District, Bungokho Central, Bungokho North, and Bungokho South.

Hon. Miriam Mukhaye Wangisi is the Mbale District woman MP, Hon. Faith Magola represents the people of Bungokho North, Hon. Wanda Richard, Bungokho Central, and Hon. Wandwasi Robert for Bungokho South.

Who is fighting who?

Our investigative team established that there is a cold war between Mariam Mukhaye, the woman MP of Mbale District, and Wanda Richard of Bungokho Central. 

A source has it that their fight erupted soon after the 2021 election where Mukhaye's husband, Dr. Masa Wangisi alleged that Wanda was supporting their rival, Musuya Sobbi, therefore, he was regarded to be their enemy. 

Occasionally, Masa has been spotted telling voters that Wanda is a non-performer in his constituency. 

"I am your area Member of Parliament, representing all the men in Mbale District since they all disappeared from the ground"- said Masa at a burial ceremony in Bungokho.

The war between Hon.  Wanda camp also accused Mr. Obed, the Busoba LC3 for decampigning him on orders of Dr. Wangisi.

Wandwasi Robert and Mariam Mukhaye conflicts erupted during the Mbale School for the Deaf saga. It was discovered that Mukhaye and Wandwasi were on a parallel lane during the resolution to solve the saga.

According to investigations, the camp of Wandwasi accused Mukhaye of fueling chaos at the institution.

It was also alleged that Miriam and her husband held a secretive stakeholder meeting with the motive of transferring Sister Rose Nelima, which annoyed Wandwasi Robert. 

Ever since, Wandwasi and Mariam started war on each other. 

One would ask why would Mariam involve herself in war with other members of Parliament from other constituencies? 
Here is why, she has the largest territory, which covers Bungokho Central,  Bungokho North and Bungokho South. These are the constituencies that make up the Mbale District. 

Hon. Faith Magola, who represents, Bungokho North is not much involved since he wanted to solve his issue internally. 

Our informers were reliably informed, that Hon.  Wanda and Hon. Wandwasi had planned to strike back at Mukhaye by de-campaigning her, unfortunately, they failed to agree.

Another source told us that after the three male MPs held a meeting on the way forward, one of them bypassed and informed Mariam of the plan. 

Another war has escalated between Hon. Mukhaye and Mbale District LC5, who claims that Mukhaye's husband is funding a one Wamakale to out him in 2026. 

Dr. Masa Wangisi is the Mbale District Health Officer.

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