UPC calls on gov’t to put more emphasis on Maternal and reproductive health

   Sharon Oyat UPC's spokesperson 

As the country gears up for the international women’s Day celebrations this Friday, the leadership of UPC has called upon the government to make reproductive and other female health issues central to the social and health policy.

According to UPC’s spokesperson Arach Oyat Sharon, the country’s health standards are still very low, where access to health facilities seems to be easier in only urban areas compared to the rural areas, adding that maternal death is still a great concern.

The state of sexual reproductive health remains poor in Uganda with a high fertility rate of 5.8 children per woman of child bearing age, high rates of teenage pregnancies (24%) and unsafe abortions accounting for 11% of maternal deaths annually.

Oyat also called upon the government including other stakeholders to embrace the women’s day through coming out boldly, adjust policies and create more programmes that can help accelerate gender equality and economic empowerment.

“new curriculum with both practical and digital skills must be rapidly put in place at all levels of education, accessible and affordable.” Arach stated

She also encouraged the government to introduce more women empowerment initiatives since most of the women are currently involved in today’s business world.

"It’s an acceptable practice that women and girls can inherit property, access credit loans and own business ventures. This implies that we need to do women empowerment through universal primary education, universal secondary education and skilling initiatives.” She said

She additionally, called upon the parliament to allocate funds for development and enact laws/ policies that can help promote gender equality in the homes including the places of work.

She further noted that, it should be fully appreciated that women advancement is a protracted struggle that is waged in phases.

“Dr. Milton Obote and UPC led government, duly recognised the role of women in development, where in 1984 uganda formally started celebrating women which increased awareness towards the need for their advancement in terms of opportunities.” She said

The National event for the international women's Day Celebrations Will be marked from Katakwi District on March 8, 2024, under the theme “Accelerating Gender Equality through Women’s Economic Empowerment.”

At the same juncture, UPC disclosed how they are already done with all the internal processes in regards to their participation in the fourth coming Dokolo woman MP Seat by-election on 21st March 2024.

“we want to inform both the entire membership and general public that our flag bearer for the Dokolo District woman MP Seat Comred Sarah Aguti Nyangkori will be nominated on Monday 11th March 2024.” UPC spokesperson revealed

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