We Need Ugandan Citizens Appointed Bank CEO's, Why Foreigner? - Tayebwa As He Backed The Move By BOU.

Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa  has backed the move by Bank of Uganda rejecting the approval of a non-Ugandan as the Chief Executive Office of Stanbic Bank Uganda, saying it was about time Uganda joined nations like Kenya & South Africa that ringfence such lucrative positions for their own nationals, in order to protect Ugandan workers.

"Stanbic Bank was in the hands of a Ugandan, Patrick Mweheire, it performed very well. The brought in a female, young Ugandan lady, it also performed exceedingly very well. Now the question of bringing in a non-Ugandan to a Bank which we entrusted our biggest assets & most of our money, you would ask yourself why? If Ugandans were performing badly, you would have an issue. There is no foreigner who can go to Kenya and become a Managing Director of the Bank. In South Africa where Stanbic is coming from, there is no foreigner who is the Managing Director of any Bank, why Uganda?” said @Thomas_Tayebwa.

"I want to support the Central Bank for rejecting the non-Ugandan who was nominated because when the Bank performs well, now they want to take it back themselves. Otherwise, let them give us a swap, let a Ugandan be the Managing Director in another country then they come here. Some of us support the central Bank, it was right to reject the foreigner to come and be,” added Tayebwa.

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