West Virginia State Senator, Roberts Responds to UK Sanctions on Uganda's Parliament Speaker


In response to the United Kingdom's sanctions dated 30 April 2024 against Uganda's sitting Speaker of the Parliament, Rt. Hon. Anita Among, I want to unequivocally state my full support for Rt. Hon. Anita Among and call on the U.K. to immediately withdraw all contrived, retaliatory sanctions against Uganda's Madam Speaker. 

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Days after Uganda's parliament, led by Madam Speaker Among, passed the anti-homosexuality bill in Uganda, the U.K. invoked the never-before-used "Global anti-Corruption Sanctions" on Madam Speaker. It was a direct response to the leader of a nation not obeying the immoral orders of a foreign nation seeking to interfere in that nation's way of life and civic order.

I have repeatedly stated that many of the anti-corruption agencies around the world are themselves corrupt. Have you ever noticed most African nations and poorer nations have anti-corruption agencies, but the most developed, advanced corruption nations do not? They are quite literally "vehicles" for organized corruption. 

So it comes as no surprise, but extreme disappointment, that a nicely-named agency is guilty of being used as a hammer for not voting the wishes of a foreign nation instead of its intended purpose. Sanctions used to mean something. They used to be appropriately used. Now they are mostly abused. They have become nothing more than political manipulators that have nothing to do with actual corruption, and everything to do with not going along with the stronger powers' actual corruption.

I have officially stated I would pardon Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Carlos Cardoen, reduce/drop U.S. sanctions against Liberia, reduce/drop sanctions against South Sudan, and every other place and person we have abused our sanctioning power. I now officially include the Rt. Hon. Anita Among among those whom I will pardon and do everything in my power and official capacity to have the U.K.'s unjust sanctions on her removed. And if there is any doubt in my previous statement, I assure you the U.K. did not invoke this never-before-used sanction without the direct order by the United States. And with that same authority, I will demand its retraction and retribution be made with interest. It is an egregious abuse of power that should be reserved and used only with wisdom and discernment, not because they disagree with Uganda's social policy. 

The United States under the Biden administration has openly stated they would withdraw funding from any African nation that passed anti-LGBTQIA+ legislation. And that is the prerogative of all governments. The U.K. could simply withdraw funding if they do not want to give aid or funding to a nation that does not align with them culturally. But to attack individuals with sanctions because they are a moral and religious society non-conforming to other nation's social ways of life is itself immoral, unconscionable, and wrong. 

This is another example why I have stated throughout my campaign for President of the United States, that I will do RIGHT by all people and all nations on earth. You cannot imagine how different the world would be if we were to operate that way. It is the answer to most problems Americans complain about on a daily basis. Our constant abuse of power affects every household in America in ways they can never understand until we (as a nation) start doing right by people and nations.

I call on the the United Kingdom to immediately drop all sanctions against Rt. Hon. Anita Among and the United States to apply requisite pressure until the U.K. does so. And both Madam Speaker and the rest of the world can be assured that when I am President, sanctions will be reserved and issued with integrity and not out of spite and retribution for not doing what we want.

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