Assailants Set Fire to Vehicle of Mityana Deputy RDC.

Police in Mityana District are searching for unknown assailants who attacked the home of Deputy Resident Commissioner, Ms Prossy Mwanjuzi, and set her vehicle ablaze.

The incident occurred on Friday night at Mizigo B Cell, Busimbi Division.

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Ms Mwanjuzi recounted that the attackers, suspected to be land grabbers, descended on her home around 2am with intent to kill her.

When she refused to come out, they torched her Toyota Surf vehicle, registration number UBM 767S, which was parked in the compound.

“The fire started at the front tire on the co-driver’s side. I immediately called my neighbors, who helped extinguish the fire by pouring water on it,” she said.

Ms Mwanjuzi believes the attack was motivated by her involvement in land disputes in the district. “I have been asking for security for a long time, given the delicate issues like land that I handle as RDC, but I have not been helped. Even yesterday, I called the commander of FFU in Mityana asking for security, but she didn’t respond. I am now left in confusion and don’t know what next,” she lamented.

Mityana Deputy Resident District Commissioner, Ms Prossy Mwanjuzi

The attack on Ms Mwanjuzi’s home occurred on the same day as the burial of Mr Mahad Gumira, a lawyer and youth councilor in Mityana District, who was brutally attacked and killed by unknown assailants last Sunday.

Land disputes have been a contentious issue in Mityana District, with lives lost and property destroyed. Ms Mwanjuzi has been actively involved in addressing these disputes, alongside the late Mr Gumira.

Regional Police spokesperson, Ms Racheal Kawala, confirmed that the attackers attempted to start Ms Mwanjuzi’s vehicle before torching it. “Our canine dog was taken to the scene and trailed up to the road but lost the track, indicating that the arsonist used either a motorcycle or another means to flee,” she said.

Police are investigating the incident and searching for the perpetrators. Ms Mwanjuzi has vowed to fight for justice and bring the killers to book.

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