Buikwe RDC arrested on Minister Mutasingwa’s orders over Corruption

The Resident District Commissioner (RDC) of Buikwe District, Hawa Ndege, has been arrested on the direct orders of the Minister of State in the Office of the Vice President, Diana Mutasingwa Kagenyi.

The arrest follows accusations of the RDC’s involvement in supervising illegal evictions and the demolition of residents’ houses, highlighting ongoing concerns about corruption and abuse of power among public officials.

The incident unfolded on Thursday morning when Minister Mutasingwa urgently traveled to her constituency in response to reports of illegal activities.

Upon her arrival, she found RDC Hawa commanding the demolition of a residential house belonging to one of her voters.

Witnesses described the Minister as visibly furious, confronting the RDC on the spot.

“The President stopped eviction of people. Why are you doing this? I have been hearing about your corrupt ways, today I am witnessing,” Mutasingwa charged.

The confrontation was intense, with the Minister nearly grabbing the RDC by the throat in her anger.

Mutasingwa, known for her strong stance against corruption and her commitment to protecting her constituents, immediately contacted Inspector General of Police Abbas Byakagaba. Acting on her report, Byakagaba ordered the immediate arrest of RDC Hawa, and the office of the RDC has since been closed pending further investigation.

Mutasingwa, described as both formidable and beautiful, has vowed to inform President Yoweri Museveni about Hawa’s corrupt practices.

She expressed her determination to ensure that the misery inflicted on the vulnerable people of Buikwe is addressed and that justice is served.

This incident has brought to light the broader issue of land grabbing and illegal evictions in Uganda, where powerful individuals and officials often exploit their positions to dispossess citizens of their land.

The President had previously issued directives to halt such evictions, making Hawa’s actions particularly erroneous .

Minister Mutasingwa’s decisive action has been praised by many, highlighting her dedication to rooting out corruption and protecting the rights of the people. It also serves as a warning to other officials who might engage in similar corrupt activities.

The people of Buikwe, who have suffered from these illegal evictions, expressed relief and gratitude for the Minister’s intervention. Many hope that this arrest will lead to more stringent measures against corruption and greater accountability for public officials.

As investigations continue, the spotlight remains on the efforts to ensure that those in positions of power uphold their responsibilities with integrity and respect for the law.

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