"The law only applies to the poor, Why is NEMA not Demolishing Stabéx Fuel Station in Rubigi"- Journalist Musamali Arnold

Opinion By: Arnold Freeman Musamali.

4 days ago NEMA cited Nansana Rubigi & Bwaise houses for demolition over encroachment on Westmoreland.

The Executive Director for the National Environmental Management Authority Barirega Akankwasah said the eviction of encroachers in Lubigi wetland would continue until they are all out. 

The eviction in Nansana Ganda, Nansana parish started on Monday, 14th June 2024,  with buildings being demolished and currently, hundreds of people are homeless. NEMA has also issued notices to vacate some residents in Nabweru and Bwaise. 

It is so hurting that the rich are not affected during this process. 

Looking at the geographical location of Stabéx Fuel Station, it is located in the middle of a wetland, but surprisingly, it survived the demolition process, can I say it is by chance, no, I would say, the law only catches the poor. 

Definitely, no one can demolition Stabéx, it is owned by the rich gang, who want to cripple the poor Ugandans.

I would request NEMA to provide a mapping of the Rubigi wetland demarcation, if that fuel station is not in the middle, then let me jailed for spreading false info. 

This is Why I say, the issue of Legality doesn’t make sense anymore. Morality does. Shouldn’t there be Equity in the making, interpretation and later on Implementation of the Law?

NAMA is not being fair, and it has totally shown to the public that it is double standard.

That fuel station hasn't existed for more than 10 years, though the residents who were evicted, had been on this land for more than 20 years, is the law fair and what does the constitution say ?

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