Aspiring Woman MP Khanakwa to offer Free Health Services For All in her new drive.

Namisindwa district aspiring woman Member of Parliament, Dr Khanakwa Sarah Bwayo, has announced free health services for all in what she has termed ‘free integrated medical camps’.

Khanakwa a development expert and resource mobilization specialist believes that a collaborative approach to service delivery is likely to improve access to healthcare services.

Among the services she is extending to her electorates include; eye care, general medicine, TB screening, hepatitis B vaccination, family planning, deworming, malaria screening and treatment, and sickle cell trait screening.

All These Services Will Be Offered For Free Of Charge

The above services will be offered at:

This good cause has attracted support from the Ministry of Health, AIDS Information Centre, KEDDI Foundation, BETBRA Namisindwa ARCH Resources, and Uganda Red Cross Society.

Dr Khanakwa’s vision for a healthy society originates from her impactful services at the Uganda AIDS Commission (Office of the President) where she is the Head of Resource Mobilization, National HIV Response.

Under this role, she ensures the mobilization and tracking of resources for the national HIV response from different sources: government, private companies and external.

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