NBS TV’s Samson Kasumba Suspended, Here’s Reason


Renowned TV Presenter Samson Kasumba has been suspended from his duties at Next Media after sending out tweets warning protesters of potentially lethal consequences during the #March2Parliament protests against corruption.

Full credit: MBU

Before Tuesday’s #March2Parliament protests against corruption, Samson Kasumba sent out a series of tweets in which he seemed to warn the protestors about what would happen.

“Send me a video of yourself marching to parliament tomorrow. I dare you to follow through with this potentially lethal endeavor. You will find out a few things in the process of your march. Good luck because you will need some. I have been alive long to know. This is Uganda,” Kasumba commented in response to a tweet by fellow media personality Collins Emeka who vowed to be part of the protests.

In another tweet, Kasumba wrote; “When I anchor news tomorrow I hope we do not have pictures of blood and tear gas. In Uganda, we all know what it means to march when the NRM govt says do NOT March. Those saying march many of them will not even be on the streets themselves. You will fear people tomorrow.”

On the other hand, Victor Tayebwa also urged people to “stay home and stay safe” as the news would be broadcast on NBS TV.

The tweets seem to have angered the bosses at Next Media who have always asked their employees to be impartial and not create a perception of bias.

Reports indicate that Samson Kasumba, Victor Tayembwa, and six other employees have since been suspended for ten days from their duties at the Naguru-based media station.

This comes just a day after another employee, Tuff B who presents the KURT show, was also suspended over a tweet he made on 15th July 2024 in which he seemed to support NUP’s Countrywide Tour’s Bundibugyo

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