What Speaker Among, VP Alupo reunion means for Teso

On Saturday, July 13, I witnessed a momentous occasion at the priestly ordination ceremony in Soroti Catholic Diocese. Speaker of Parliament Anita Among and Vice President Jessica Alupo embraced each other, smiling, and sat together, signaling a new era of cooperation and progress in Teso region.

For far too long, Teso has suffered from leadership struggles and power plays, hindering its development. However, Among and Alupo's decision to put aside their differences and work together has the potential to bring real benefits to the region.

Rumors of a rift between the two leaders had been circulating, fueled by their absence from each other's events. Speaker Among was noticeably absent from the belated Women's Day celebrations in Katakwi, which Vice President Alupo, also the district Woman MP had organized and saw President Museveni attend as chief guest. Similarly, Vice President Alupo did not attend the grand official opening of Bukedea Teaching Hospital, which Speaker Among had been instrumental in establishing.

However, their public display of unity at Regina Caeli Cathedral site on Saturday has put to rest any doubts about their commitment to working together for the benefit of Teso region.

Speaker Among is known for her generous heart, passion to invest in Teso's development, and selflessness. She's been a champion for the region's growth. Her influence as Speaker of Parliament has secured vital resources for the region, oversight of government programs, and advocated for policies that benefit Teso.

While VP Alupo, with her visionary leadership and administrative expertise, has been a driving force for economic development in Teso. Her influence as Vice President has attracted investments and promoted economic growth in the region.

The two leaders, both beneficiaries of NRM's affirmative action on women, are true cadres of the party and are very loyal to President Museveni. I have no doubt that they must be taking his guidance very well. 

Historically, Teso leaders have had a history of rivalries and power struggles (sometimes as a result of showing off who's closer to the president), often hindering development in the region. However, Anita Among and Jessica Alupo have shown that they are committed to putting aside differences and working together for the greater good.

 How Among and Alupo Can Help Teso Achieve:

The two leaders currently number two and three in order of Uganda's protocol should now jointly push for the development of Teso in many ways:

Together, they can influence govt to build roads that bridge the gap between potential and prosperity, connecting Teso to the world and unlocking its economic destiny.

Revolutionize agriculture with modern magic, transforming subsistence farming into a thriving industry that feeds the nation and fills the pockets of farmers.

Advocate for better cash crops for the region and push for a value addition and better market for Teso agricultural products. 

Educate and empower the youth with skills that spark innovation, igniting a talent revolution that sets Teso ablaze with progress.

Heal the healthcare system with a dose of investment, advocate for hospital upgrade, clinics, and health centers into beacons of hope and wellness.

For instance, the infrastructure at Soroti regional referral hospital is currently ailing and needs their immediate help!

Diversify the economy of Teso through manufacturing. The two leaders need to jointly ask government to bring factories to Teso, as that would be an immediate source of jobs for the youth.

Govern with transparency and accountability, fostering a culture of leadership that puts the people first and sets a shining example for the region.

Quench the thirst for clean water and sanitation, bringing life-giving resources to every corner of Teso and flushing away the scourge of poverty.

Champion a climate change  strategy to protects Teso environment.

Support ICU to strengthen Teso culture and uphold it's cultural values. 

Unlock the potential of women and girls, unleashing a gender revolution that shatters glass ceilings, challenged stereotypes, and elevates Teso to new heights of equality and empowerment.

In conclusion, the joint appearance of Anita Among and Jessica Alupo is a beacon of hope for Teso region. Let us celebrate this new era of cooperation and work together towards a brighter future.

Story By Musamali Arnold 

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