Former PS Geraldine Ssali Granted Bail

The Anti-Corruption court has granted a cash bail of Shs 35 million to Geraldine Ssali Busuulwa, the former permanent secretary of ministry of Trade and Cooperatives.

Justice Jane Okuo Kajuga released Ssali today Friday, citing the substantial nature of her sureties and their financial stability. Kajuga noted that Ssali has maintained close friendships with some of her sureties for over ten years, and others are gainfully employed. 

Given these strong ties and the trust between Ssali and her sureties, the court found it unlikely that she would abscond from the trial, which might put them at risk.

Ssali’s sureties include her maternal uncle, Joachim Kiwanuka, a retired civil servant and farmer with property ownership; her biological brother, Gerald Ssali, a senior manager at KPMG Certified Public Accountants; her sister, Agnes Nantongo, the legal director and company secretary at Uganda Breweries, and an advocate of the High court. Also listed are her long-time friend, Dr Teopista Ntale Ssekito, a member of the Kampala District Land Board, and Ssebina Ssekitoleko Ronald of Hill Top Group of Companies.

The court ruled that there was no evidence to suggest that Ssali would interfere with the ongoing investigations, as alleged by the prosecution. In an affidavit by police officer Ngobi Sowadi, it was claimed that Ssali had obstructed officers from accessing the ministry premises during her tenure. However, justice Kajuga stated that acting on unsubstantiated claims would be dangerous and unjust.

The judge further noted that it would be unfair to keep Ssali on remand while the state initiates the asset recovery process, especially since there was no proof that any recovery had begun during her time in remand.

As a condition of her bail, Ssali was ordered to deposit her passport with the court, preventing her from leaving the country without permission. 

Each of her sureties was bonded at Shs 50 million, not cash.

Ssali is jointly charged with three others, who have already been granted bail, on charges of corruption and conspiracy to defraud Buyaka Growers Cooperatives Society Limited of more than Shs 3.4 billion meant for war loss compensation.

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