16 Year Old Gives Birth To 4 (Quadruplets),Seeks For Help From Speaker Among


A 16 year old girl has given birth normally without any c section to Quadruplets in butaleja district,last night.

The 16 year old called nankya mwajuma was transferred from Butaleja Hospital to Busolwe hospital as Butaleja hospital could handle all the four though the mother has delivered normally.

We met mwajuma being taken care of from Busolwe hospital children’s ward , as all her babies were in good and stable condition plus the mother. She is however seeking for help from well-wishers.

While speaking to our reporter, the happy mother requested the speaker of parliamnet, Rt. Hon. speaker Among to finacially support her.

"I am from poor family, we totally need support, my call to the speaker is to seek for help finacially"- Mwajuma 

Due to the sensitivity of the room we were given only 10 minutes to talk to her , she told us how she first went to near by clinic but was later referred to busolwo hospital.

She however thanks God that all her 4 baby girls are doing well , though she was always told that she was carrying only 2 babies, but she was shocked to when she delivered 4 babies. 

Mwajuma was is s2 said that she is willing to go back to school, but when asked about the father of the babies , she said he is a p7 drop out. 

Dr. Abeso the in charge of the children’s ward said that all the kids are in good and stable condition for now. 

Though she is worried when she will be sent back home because she will not have enough breast milk to feed all the four.

She also said it’s good for her health that she doesn’t get pregnant very soon , because she needs her borns to develop more.

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