Bugisu Betrayed: Youths Disappointed as President M7 Cancels Historic Youth Symposium & attends a crusade in tororo the next day


After president's rejection of bugisu sub region three times (Wealth creation tour, Imbalu celebration and the youths symposium) bugisu elders have decided to hold an event with the theme of WHAT IS THE FATE OF BUGISU IN THE NATIONAL SETTING, the people of bugisu were prepared to host the president yesterday according  to the organizers, this was going to be history made in bugisu for the first time that the youths had come together irrespective of the political setting to work together.

To their disappointment this event was canceled because one of there Minister was not happy since she wanted to be the organizer and also a one Bwire from Busia met the president and spoke negativity on the event. 

This disturbed the political bigwigs in the sub region and they decided to host the youths on independence day to teach them on how they should free their minds from interests of nrm because it has decided to sideline them. 

Hon Nambeshe was quoted saying that how can two or three people give you rumors and you cancel an event organised by million people.

Counsel Paul Mugoya Wanyoto who has been pro symposium and fully supported asked if state house valued the time and resources the young people had invested in this symposium before canceling it?.

"Did they fund it and why should m7 postpone a youths gathering and the next day attend a church conference in the neighboring sub region and during Imbalu celebration he attended a Thanksgiving of Nyamitoro"- concerned youth.

The LC5 of Bududa district said that if the event was postponed a later date could be communicated but they just canceled it and ONC's boss, Hajjqti Hadijah Namyalo decided to say that it's postponed to protect her boss's name.

It's too embarrassing and this has totally made youths of bugisu to hate the system then never before , NRM had ventured something so unique and was going to bring back the love.

Mbale city Deputy Speaker Magambo said that Museveni got tired of us long time but we force ourselves on him and assured the public on IUIU FM that this symposium will never happen unless the old guards in the sub region who feels like nothing for us without us.

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