Security Questions PR. Tom Mugerwa Over The Billions Of Money On The Church Account & Mobile Money


Recently, the Security Intelligence & finance Intelligence Authority (FIA) grilled  PR. To Mugerwa of Mutundwe Christian life church over huge amounts of money on the church accounts & mobile money.

According to our sources, money is in billions and dormant on all accounts, including mobile money accounts.

It was discovered that the amounts of money accumulated from offertory & tithe from church members.

According to records from the telecommunication companies over One hundred  million Shillings (100) is sent to the church mobile money accounts daily.

Besides, bank accounts and mobile money, pr. Tom Mugerwa also receives money through Western Union; the funds are sent by his followers from outside countries. 

We are reliably informed that the rich pr. Mobilizes offertory and tithe via his Church radio station and TV.

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