Three Women Remanded Over Nude Protest At Parliament

Three women have been charged and remanded to Luzira prison for staging a nude protest at Parliament on Monday.

Praise Aloikin, Norah Kobusingye, and Kemitoma Kyenzibo were arrested after painting their naked bodies in the Ugandan national colors of red, black, and yellow. They also carried placards demanding the resignation of Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, over allegations of corruption.

The protest follows similar demonstrations held on March 23, 2024, which resulted in over 100 arrests.

Today, the women appeared before Buganda Road Court Chief Magistrate Ronald Kayizzi and pleaded not guilty to the charge of being a common nuisance.

The prosecution alleges that the accused inconvenienced and disturbed the public by staging their half-naked protest in the middle of Parliamentary Avenue.

The women have been remanded to Luzira prison until September 12, 2024, for a bail hearing.

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