MBALE: Lumbuku Parish Chief Walela Martin Interdicted Over Corruption Scandals In PDM Funds


Few months ago Walela Martin, the former parish chief of Jewa Town Council, Nakyanikille ward generated his own list with Ghost beneficiaries with an aim of swindling money. 

Wanale Martin has been the currently the parish chief of Lumbuku Parish in Busiu Town Council.


It was reported that while you were executing your duties as a Town Agent for Nakyanikile Ward, Jewa Town Council, you were involved in extortion of money from PDM beneficiaries and included non-eligible beneficiaries on the PDM SACCO Ilists for your own benefit.

Physical verification report was conducted from 6th - 7th February, 2024, by the PDM focal point person and Agricultural Officer of Jewa Town Council and it was established that, the list of eligible beneficiaries you submitted to the district for payment was different from the list of the beneficiaries /SACCO members. 

Eight members of Nakyanikile SACCO were not residents of the parish and were unknown to the SACCO leaders and members. This confirmed your conflict of interest in the entire process of disbursement of Parish Revolving fund (PRF).

Arising from the above, I directed you to refund UGX 8million to Nakyanikile PDM SACCO, in Jewa Town Council within seven days from May 13th 2024. In your letter to me received on 24th May 2024 you clarified that the non-eligible beneficiaries were six and not eight and that the responsibility of generating the SACCO was vested in the hands of the Chairperson and your role as a Town Agent was to compile the list. In the same letter, you exonerated yourself from any form of conflict of interest in the disbursement of PRE funds.

It is disheartening that you refused to appear before the rewards and sanctions Committee meeting in two OCcasions i.e. 29th May and 20th June 2024 and also refused to refund the UGX 8 million within 3 months as directed. Although you acknowledged full responsibility in the payment of UGX 6 million to in-eligible beneficiaries, you have to-date refused to pay back the money.

In your current station of Lumbuku Parish, Busiu Subcounty, it was reporTea Dy the SACCO leaders that vou WENDI platform and connived with some mobile money agents unde fraudulently deducted UGX 16million from without beneficiaries their consent.

Your acts of and extortion of funds, obtaining money by false pretense is criminal tantamount to corruption, embezzlement of Public funds and abuse of office Contrary to section 2 (e) and section 11 of the Anti-corruptions Act 2009 and misconduct that brings the Public Service into isrepute as provided for by section (F-r) Paragraph 4 of the Public Service Standing orders, 2021.

In light of the above and as provided under Section (F - s) Paragraph 14 (a- 9) of the Public Service Standing Orders, 2021, I therefore interdict you from performing your duties with immediate effect to allow investigations to be Conducted. While under interdiction, you will receive a salary not less than half of your salary until investigations are completed. You are directed not to leave the Country without permission from the undersigned and not to frequent the Office.

You are therefore directed to handover the office and any Government property in your possession in accordance with provisions of section F-d of the Public service standing Orders of 2021.

By Copy of this letter, the Principal Human Resource Officer and the Principal Internal Auditor are asked to ensure the handover is orderly and with immediate effect.


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