Court to Determine Criminal Fate of GM Sugar Directors for Water Pollution

Mr Allan Damulira (with yellow book), his lawyer Joseph Ndawula, and affected residents of Wankwale village in Njeru Municipality

The Lugazi Chief Magistrate, HW Nabende Moses, has set 9th May 2025 at 2pm as the date and time he will move court to visit GM Sugar factory in Lugazi II, Njeru Municipality. He will then visit the surrounding villages through which River Bulumagi/Kinywa flows before joining with River Mubeeya at Wankwale  to empty its waters into Lake Victoria. 

This after a criminal case was filled by Mr Damulira Allan John against GM Sugar Limited and its dorectors Mr Akash Pareshbhai and Mr Rajeev Singhal, alleging that they empty dangerous effluent from the factory, which has caused fatally damaging side effects to people, animals, crops, and especially fish in organized aquacultural eatablishments that depend on River Kinywa for water. 

Area residents, through Mr Allan John Damulira, allege that people have been injured, two cows and 3 goats have died after drinking this poluuted water, and that crops have dried up because of the same.Most critically, it is alleged that fish worth 800m was killed, and that the fish ponds have been abandoned for now three years because of this continuous pollution. 

The Magistrate has now moved court to have a physical look at these alleged accusations. It is after this visit that the magistrate will determine whether its prudent to arrest these directors of GM Sugar and have them criminally charged over the same.

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