SIRONKO: Minister Nambozo Hits Back at Daily Monitor, Calls for Balanced Reporting

The State Minister for Karamoja, Hon. Nambozo Florence Mayonga, has accused the Daily Monitor of biased and negative reporting.

In a press statement released on Wednesday evening, titled “Response to Daily Monitor Article Dated Wednesday, 12 March 2025” and shared across various Bugisu WhatsApp platforms, Gamwaga Rogers, the Personal Assistant to Minister Nambozo, who also serves as the Woman MP for Sironko criticized the Daily Monitor for failing to uphold the fundamental journalistic principle of balanced reporting.

The statement argues that the views expressed in the article do not reflect the general perspective of voters in Sironko District. It further claims that the individuals quoted are known personal assistants and agents of a specific candidate, which undermines the article’s impartiality and makes it unreliable in predicting electoral outcomes. According to the statement, such biased reporting distorts the Minister’s work and ignores the true will of the people.

Hon. Nambozo also confirmed her interest in contesting for the position of NRM District Chairperson, currently held by Lumolo Sulaimani, the father of her close political rival, Asha Nabulo Mafabi.


Response to Daily Monitor Article Dated Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Our attention has been drawn to an article published in the Daily Monitor on Wednesday, 12 March 2025, titled “Will Nandala Come to Save Nambozo Again?”

We find the content of this article misleading to the public, as it appears to present a one-sided perspective. This raises concerns that the author may have been influenced to interfere in the internal affairs of Sironko District. It is important to note that all elected leaders in Sironko were given a five-year mandate by the people, and their accountability lies with the voters, not media opinions or biased narratives.

Furthermore, the views expressed in the article do not reflect the general perspective of the voters in Sironko District. The individuals quoted are known personal assistants and agents of a specific candidate, which compromises the impartiality of the piece and renders it unreliable in predicting electoral outcomes. Such biased reporting misrepresents the Minister’s work and disregards the will of the people.

As Team Nambozo, we advocate for balanced and fair media coverage that represents the voices of all people and upholds the principles of truth and objectivity. We remain open to working with media partners who prioritize the interests of the community and report accurately on issues affecting the people of Sironko.

Hon. Nambozo remains a committed member of the NRM party and has no intention of joining any other political group. She is determined to contest for the NRM District Chairperson position once the process is opened. The day is coming when the people of Sironko will speak.

She remains dedicated to serving the people of Sironko and will seek their renewed mandate to consolidate ongoing development efforts and support the vision of H.E. the President of the Republic of Uganda.

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